The weekend just goes way to fast. Friday night I stopped by The Vintage Rabbit Mall and got these cute little suitcases. I might use the black one to hold my price tags, money and that sort of thing at my craft shows, I haven't decided yet. The bottom one is burgundy and sort of a mustard yellow. It was in the
Silver Suitcase Antiques area of the shop which is my favorite. I would like a bigger one and a little smaller one so can stack them on top of each other in my house. They would also look cute in my display at my shows so we will see.
It was sort of nice this weekend so my hubby and I took a drive. We stopped by a couple flea market places and I had to get a couple things... Here is a wooden butter churn, not sure if one that someone made or a vintage find but I so loved the look of it anyways.
And here is a wooden crate that I got for a great buy, I just couldn't pass it up.
I got this wooden drying rack a little while ago but just got it hung up. As you can I am just now finding stuff I want to hang on it. I made the crow with sunflowers (a Tennessee Ridge Primitives Pattern) and found the old strainer at a sale.
And then a Prairie Bonnet. I sooo love this bonnet. I got this off of ebay.
I had wanted to try making some of these Prim Bonnets myself but I have never sewn any type of clothing or bonnets, just the crafts I make. When I emailed a few that had patterns to buy, they said probably not for beginners.. I was a little bummed. So,,, thank goodness I found one I could buy cuz I had to have one.
I also wanted to thank Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies for posting that I was a new blogger in town, on her blog. This sort of welcome and all the nice comments I have read on many blogs is what made me decide to start a blog of my own. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by, taken the time to comment and follow me. I hope I can show you all the same kindness you have shown me.
Thanks for visiting!