Hope your morning and afternoon is going great. We have had a beautiful couple of days, definitely not our normal winter... I am sooo lovin it. Makes me ready to go camping already.. teehee
What have I been doing?? Between wedding fun and filling orders, I have been a busy little bee...I have even decided that I won't be doing any craft shows this spring. I just didn't do as well as hoped last year and just don't have the time to stock up on a bunch of new goodies when I am filling so many orders.... I will miss visiting with all of the other crafters and customers but I just can't justify paying the booth fees and not selling enough to make it worth my while. So... I hope I can keep busy enough online to make up for it..
Here are a few new things I have made that are for sale:
Bunnies Bunnies Bunnies for sale...Details
Here are some items I have been asked to make for customers..
I have still been making personalized hearts. So excited those turned out to be such a big hit..
Here are the Details on my personalized items I have made.

I can't believe how popular this pillow is.. I am going to start working on orders tonight for these.. So happy so many love it!! If interested, please let me know. It doesn't have to say Nana, can be Gramma, Grammy, anything you want..
I know it's hard to believe but I have been out of the house and do take time to eat and sleep... a little.. teehee... One of our friends is in a local play so we went and saw it this past weekend. Boy that is something I could never do.. I used to get butterflies and feel sick to my tummy just having to do an oral presentation in school.. haha..
Well, just wanted to check in and let you know I am still here..
Hope you all have a blessed day! Hugs, Tina
Such wonderful creations ~ you sure have been busy as a bee!
Those bunnies sure are adorable all in a row.
Awesome job!!!
Prim Blessings
Sorry about the craft shows. I know how some of the vendors become like family and some of the customers become dear friends. But I'm sure you will do well in your online sales to make up for it. I mean, how could you not? Your handmades are SO wonderful! The personalized hearts are so adorable and they could be sold and displayed year round.
I'm with you. I used to get sick to my stomach when it was my turn to give an oral presentation. I don't know why I ever took speech & debate in school, I'm pretty sure I failed it, hehe.
Glad you are still going at it. Have another productive week~
WOW Tina, is your machine smoking? Love everything! I know what you mean about the shows AND speaking in front of groups. Hope you have a great weekend!!! ~*~Lisa
You make such beautiful things. I'm a Nana:) Love the hanging angels!
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